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Open Space Committee Minutes 02/09/2007
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Committee Meeting
Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall

Minutes: February 9, 2007

Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 08:35. In attendance were OSC members Peter Cable, Ted Crosby, David Griswold, George James, Connie Kastelowitz and Ted Kiritsis. Also present for a portion of the meeting (discussion of Lord’s Wood development) was Ann Brown, Zoning Enforcement Officer.

Election of Officers
On a motion by Ted Kiritsis seconded by Connie, Diana, George and Peter were elected by unanimous vote OSC chairman, vice chairman, and secretary, respectively, for the year 2007.

On motion by Ted Kiritsis, seconded by Connie, the minutes for December 8, 2006 were approved.

On motion by Ted Crosby, seconded by Connie, the minutes for the special meeting at the Gerr property on January 19, 2007 were approved.

Chairman’s Report
Diana reported that the Inland Wetlands Commission has issued a cease and desist order for work on Bassan Awwa’s Lord’s Wood subdivision off Lord’s Meadow Lane pending a show cause hearing on the matter scheduled for February 15, 2007. The cease work order responds to serious variances from the approved development plan on file that specifically involve clear-cutting of open space designated areas, deviations from the approved course of the access road, and potential encroachment on wetland areas. Diana noted that Public Act 06-89 insures CT communities’ legal recourse to have open space land that has been encroached upon restored and secures the public’s right to seek reimbursement for costs and monetary damages. Following discussion of options for OSC action on this matter, it was agreed that Diana would draft a letter to the Inland Wetland Commission referencing Public Act 06-89, requesting time for OSC review of any plan of remediation submitted by the developers for damages to designated open space, and further requesting appropriate compensation if restoration of the land is not possible. It was planned to submit the letter to the Inland Wetland Commission before the February 15 meeting and to read it into the record at the meeting.

Diana noted several upcoming conferences and new resources of interest to OSC. These included: the CT Land Conservation Council 24th annual conference, a gathering of CT land trust and conservation organizations, at Northeast Utilities in Berlin on March 31, 2007; the Saving Biological Diversity Conference at Connecticut College on April 6-7, 2007, sponsored by National Audubon Society, The Nature Conservancy, CT Forest and Parks, and Sea Grant CT, and this year concerned with weighing protection of endangered species vs entire ecosystems; and the Community Resource Inventory Online (http// a user-friendly website with links to statewide digital map series useful for OSC activities. Ted Crosby noted that the Planning Commission had been briefed on GIS availability for incorporating open space and wetland designated areas into their open space plan considerations.

Diana reported on a proposed two-lot subdivision on Shore Road whose owners had requested a waiver of the 15% open space designation requirement. Upon a motion by George seconded by Ted Crosby, it was voted unanimously that OSC reject the request for the waiver and impose a fee in lieu of meeting open space requirements.

Property Updates
a) Griswold/Whitley Black Hall Woods LLC property.
Though joint purchase of the property by the town and Black Hall Club has been rejected by the Black Hall Woods LLC, it was reported by Diana that LLC plans for the Lea Griswold property were not completely settled. It was indicated that the Black Hall Club may take action to revive plans for joint purchase of the property.  David suggested that the family members, principals in the LLC, were not yet unified in pursuing plans for development of the property. In discussion it was suggested by Ted Crosby and George that favorable tax implications raised by recent tax legislation should be brought to the attention of the Black Hall Woods LLC.
b) Gerr property
Upon motion by Ted Crosby seconded by George, at 09:50 the committee voted to go into executive session to discuss the Gerr property. Ted Crosby moved and Connie seconded and the committee voted to close the executive session at 10:10.
c) Blair property
Regarding the proposed swap of town property on Buttonball Road adjacent to the Blair’s property (36-1 Buttenball) for Blair’s land on Halls Road, Diana has a call in to Representative Marilyn Guiliano to discuss the prospects for the proposal. In discussion of the proposed Blair property swap, it was recognized that an important objective was protection of the Buttonball Road land and the consequent need for a plan to make town property adjacent to 36-1 Buttenball more immune from encroachment in the form of trashing and dumping. The importance of implementing proper stewardship, including signage, planting and fencing was noted.

At George’s departure from the meeting, upon a motion by Connie seconded by Ted Crosby, it was voted unanimously that George be formally congratulated by the committee for his recent selection as Old Lyme Citizen of the Year.

Conservation Easements
Diana is preparing a master list of town properties having conservation easements. At this time 11 files on these properties have been completed. Diana suggested that consideration should be given to preparing a letter to be sent to property owners with conservation easements scheduling a visit by the OSC for inspection to insure that open space requirements and conditions are being met. Diana emphasized that such a letter should be friendly and non-threatening and noted that inspections for conservation easement compliance are an OSC responsibility.

Old Business
Regarding the proposed swap of the Johnson Mile Creek property for the town-owned Tantummheag town landing adjacent to Diana’s residence on Tantummheag Road, Ted Kiritsis reported that he had arranged for Wendy Goodfriend to provide an environmental assessment of the Mile Creek property but that he had not yet received her report.

On motion by Ted Crosby, second by Ted Kiritsis, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:50.

Respectfully submitted,
Peter Cable